Friday, July 05, 2013

Wrinkle Rock Band, FOI, Oakham Town Council

Recently I had a minor disagreement with a Clergyman's Local rock band who perform
at Cutts Close Bandstand. Over a review I wrote about the group.

I was told not to become ill and require treatment at Oakham hospital as one of the band members wives
has something to do with running the place. This threat was witnessed.

I was also told how much the band was paid has nothing to do with me.
Fortunately that comment was not correct. When public money is spent
it is every ones business.

I wrote to Oakham Town Council and used FOI of information to find out
how much public money this group a favourite of a former Mayor has received.

The Group told us the former Mayor is not a friend of theirs.

Bookings started in the year of office of the former Mayor.

Oakham Town Council have provided the list of payments since summer 2005
they are incomplete, the fee for the Jubilee Party is not declared, at least £400

I have not asked how much a band members other interest (brass band) has received

Summer 2005 £300
Summer 2007 £350
Christmas 2007 £350
Summer 2008 £350
Summer 2009 £400
Summer 2010 £400
Summer 2011 £400
Summer 2012 £400

June 2013 £400

They will be paid a further £400 September 2013

Lets hope they wont start late at that performance.
Looking forward to seeing the former Mayor and his entourage
Enjoying a drink, they all voted once to ban the public
from enjoying.

The next bandstand concert is to be held on the afternoon of the 14th June
Kibworth Band

I spoke to some residents who are looking forward to attending, they had not
attended the first concert stating they did not like the noise, every one is entitled to
their own opinion?