Thursday, August 22, 2013

Rutland County Council's Tory Cabinet advised that actions were now in place to improve performance within Customer Services.

Rutland  County Council's Tory Cabinet advised that actions were now in place to improve 
performance within Customer Services. 

Improved performance was now being seen but real work was still needed around the website and its transactions.

What a load of crap Tory Cuts have destroyed what was a good team. A weak and pathetic union
has permitted a culture of fear at Rutland County Council, created by this awful Tory mess.

I can remember before cuts were made the phone was answered and the council
was rightly proud that around 80% of customers queries were dealt with via
customers services and the customer did not need to be passed to any other department.

Each time I look at Twitter I see complaints such as "please answer your phone"

Yesterday I telephoned and of course I found a very cheerful lady answered the phone
and put me through to highways, AFTER WAITING A TOTAL OF 16 minutes!

One improvement the Council could make is get rid of that awful electronic music!