Monday, September 09, 2013

Rutland County Council, Meeting, SPOC UKIP, Monitoring Officer, Recording of Meetings

Rutland County Council, Meeting, SPOC UKIP, Monitoring Officer, Recording of Meetings

Rutland County Council held a extended long heated meeting this evening.

The so called Green Party Councillor Oxley angrily called a member of the public a stooge for the UKIP

A member of the public told Tory Councillor he was hard of thinking. He had to take time to think about that.

Another member of the public cause a disruption by attempting to raise what they see as an issue.

Rutland  County Councils external auditors are KPMG.

Saverio Della Rocca is a former senior manager of KMPG from 2002 - 2007

Since 2007 he has been employed by Rutland County Council to oversee the internal audits.

The member of the public feels there could be a cosy relationship.

A member of the public was told they had five minutes to give a deputation, then a pointless
member of staff insisted it was only 3 minutes then changed their mind half way through the

Councillors rejected cessation of Single Point of Contact arrangements for UKIP cllrs.
It stays in place.

Councillors agree to put audio recordings of full council meetings on their website.

As expect they approved a new monitoring officer as Debbie Mogg, the current Director of Resources.
A member of the public said she was not qualified,

Then raised the disgusting issue of a member of staff who is qualified and done their job for 23 years,
They were forced to apply for their job again last month only to be told they have not been short-listed.