Friday, November 29, 2013

Charles Haworth, Elaine Smith, Inclusive Design, Matthew Taylor, Rutland County Council Planning Corruption

In this email from Councillor Charles Haworth to Elaine Smith at Inclusive Design
A firm of Architects who employed a former Rutland County Council Planning Officer 
who was co-opted onto Oakham Town Council. Cllr Matthew Taylor very quickly 
resigned after I blogged  about a letter sent to the council when the resident this
email is mainly about was told Matthew had become her ward councillor along with
Haworth and Lucas.

Once again Cllr Haworth is including my name, at this point I had only just met the

resident he is writing about. 

This is also the year Cllr Haworth Cllr Harrison and Former Mayor Paul Beech started

their disgusting homophobic attacks against me on the Rutland County Council
chat forum. At that point in time, I did not know Cllr Haworth.

Cllr Haworth also admits sending the firm an anonymous postcard on behalf 

"the people of Oakham"

Disgusting this man should resign, he is unfit to be a councillor

It is also very clear from all the emails I that have lawfully been forwarded to me most of Oakham Town Council and Rutland County Council knew about the disgusting conduct I and others have been subjected
to for many years and Leicestershire Police have assisted these people to carry out their very
vindictive and nasty attacks against me and other residents.

Now I can see why Inspector Monks frequently met with Haworth in the computer room at Oakham library and why the police switched there interest to me and failed to prosecute Haworth and others and won't review their decision not to prosecute the councillor now despite DS McDonalds offer to do so even before
the District Judge had found me not guilty of their trumped up charges. Cllr Haworth committed acts perjury in court.

Elaine Smith was a Director and Company Secretary of Inclusive Design Ltd (In Liqidation)

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Charles Haworth
> [mailto:charleshaworth@hotmail.co.uk]
> Sent: 18 December 2009
> 00:01
> To: elaine smith
> Subject: RE: Rutland Chat
> Forum
> Dear Elaine,
> Thank you very much for
> taking the time to tell me about your dealings, it was very informative,
> shockingly so. I suppose I should feel fortunate never to have had that
> much to do with her. She is one of those people about whom everybody you
> meet has a story to tell. The case is really tragic, but she has proved
> so venemous in every quarter that it is impossible not to indulge in a
> touch
> of schadenfreude at her comeuppance.
> Unfortunately, she
> does not entirely act alone in some of her escapades and can act in
> concert
> with two people in particular, who also have a habit of making vexatious
> complaints and running hate campaigns. I don't feel I can correspond
> with you honestly without urging you to beware of a Martin Brookes and
> a ####> #### (who also uses the surname ####). If you hear their names, be
> assured that ####### is behind it and I advise extreme
> caution.
> I sincerely wish you success in recovering the money you
> are owed, you have in reality no other option that to enforce the
> legal ruling
> in your favour. If you don't do it, somebody else will be putting her on
> the street in the end! I am attaching a few bits and bobs that
> might prove amusing to you in a spare hour. You might find these videos
> she posted on Youtube interesting:
> http://www.youtube.com/#######
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?#######
> Be
> assured of my goodwill and readiness to help you if ever I am able,
> though you
> seem to have the upper hand. I might as well say that I know about the
> anonymous postcard sent to your firm this summer on behalf of "the
> people of Oakham" which congratulated you on your High Court victory
> over Ms
> #####!
> Best Wishes & Merrry Christmas
> Charles
> Haworth