Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Cllr Charles Haworth, Oakham Town Councillor, Homophobic Crude and Vulgar Comments made using Rutland County Council Computers

When Oakham Town Councillor Charles Haworth  posted offensive homophobic comments on my blog, he was kind enough to email councillors and employees of Melton Borough Council where he once worked, screen shots of his handy work were attached using word 9 documents.

It is very odd that Leicestershire Police can not find evidence of his hate campaign, when I can lawfully and very easily obtain evidence of  his and other councillors actions going right back 2010.

It's very pleasing to find they have been so organised and very nice to see a screen shots taken from Rutland County Council Library Computers.

The lies Geoff Pook used to tell me when  I gave him the IP address, times and the councils internet provider, no wonder he ran off this January

blog 4 Oct 2010 hailey hall comment.doc
View online

From: charleshaworth@hotmail.co.uk

To: ####
Subject: blog comment today
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 2010 20:32:22 +0100

I've lost my rag, time to get nasty and nastier

attached to the above  email  is  a word document highlighting unusually not such an offensive comment
shown below.

Apparently on that day he and Rutland County Council were upset set about my comments about
the demolition of a good brick built school and the replacement with a timber frame building.

Information about the school

Hailey Hall School is a residential special school for boys who have behavioural, emotional, and social difficulties (BESD). About one third have weekly boarding places for four nights a week. The accommodation, opened in 1967, is purpose built. The school population is drawn from all parts of Hertfordshire, so some pupils have very long journeys. All the pupils have a statement for their special educational needs. The majority of pupils are White British. Eight children are looked after by the local authority. The proportion of pupils who join or leave the school at times other than the usual time of admission or leaving is larger than average. Many of the pupils who join the school have been excluded from other schools and have missed significant amounts of schooling. The needs of the pupils are becoming increasingly complex, and approximately a third of them have mental health issues. After the previous inspection, the school experienced a period of staff turbulence with the resignation of the previous headteacher. The current headteacher has been in post for two years, but there are still several temporary appointments on the staff. The school has Eco-school status