Monday, November 25, 2013

Rutland County Council Council council tax benefit suspension

Rutland County Council Council council tax benefit suspension

It has been suggested that I find myself in difficulty because I won my case.

Thinking back to the email I was given this morning sent by a person connected to our local governance some time ago  "Because I can't sue the bastard I am gonna make his life hell-but legally." there might be some truth in that comment.

The DWP says I might be paid on the 6th December 2013

Anglian Water now demands full payment because my instalment has been missed this month.
The TV will have to go in bin if I don't catch up with licence fee payments.

Caroline at Melton Job Centre says JSA is paid to assist with Job search not to live on or pay bills.
Try telling that to Anglian Water who offer an easier option? to take payment direct from that benefit.

Off to Rutland County Council with another completed form. I guess it helps keep someone  in work.