Friday, November 15, 2013

Rutland Fairtrade Market, Oakham Castle, Castle Lane, Oakham

Rutland Fairtrade Market

Saturday November 16th 10:30 am to 3:00 pm 

A huge variety of Fairtrade products from around the world will be on sale, including clothes, crafts and foods. There will also be a range of locally produced items such as woollen rugs and bags, aromatherapy products, and Christmas cakes and puddings made from Fairtrade ingredients. This is the fifth annual market and this year's event has attracted a record number of stall holders. Admission to the Market is free of charge for all. Tea, coffee and cakes will be available and there will be a thought provoking exhibition on display, entitled "the cost of cheap clothes" featuring artwork by students from New College, Stamford.

Oakham Castle
Castle Lane