Monday, March 31, 2014

Rutland County Council to Introduce New £25k logo and Bank of Rutland Currency

Rutland County Council Press Release 1st April 2014

Rutland County Councils Deputy Leader and Portfolio
holder for most financial matters at Rutland County Council
Terry King is pleased to announce the official introduction of
Rutland Money to be issued by the Bank of Rutland later
this month.

Residents and visitors will be required to exchange their
English or Scottish Pounds for Bank of Rutland  Notes
Terry said he initial exchange rate and charges are in line
with the current unofficial Oakham & Rutland exchange rate.

He explained how residents should pocket 50p for each pound exchanged
whilst visitors not showing a British or European assport
will pay an additional tax and receive 25p for each pound

The Chief Excutive of Rutland County Council Helen Briggs has also
announced the council paid a student £25,000 to design a new
council logo shown below.

Helen said she loves blue and the use of the colour truly matched
her council and she also felt the use of the acorns and so much green in the old
logo was showing far to much support towards the Green Councillor a
former Libdem