Friday, April 04, 2014

Aldi Supermarket, Oakham, Planning Application, Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council Consultation, Hawksmead

Oakham Town Council will be considering this application at their meeting on the 9th April
2014 should be fun. 7.00pm

Town Council Offices
Victoria Hall
39 High Street


planningonline.rutland.gov.uk Veiw Hawksmead Application For Aldi Store Click Here

Some people might wish to object to a supermarket on the doorstep of Oakham.

Examples of valid objections

The relevant issues in a planning application vary from case to case but the following matters may be included:

conservation of buildings and the natural environment trees design, appearance and layout
character of an area noise, disturbance and smells highway safety and traffic previous planning applications
compliance with Unitary Development Plan Policies, Supplementary Planning Guidance and other planning policies compliance with government guidance and legislation the effect of a proposal on sunlight and daylight
the effect on the privacy of neighbours whether the proposed development will have an overbearing effect on neighbouring properties visual impact

There are also non valid objections the following matters are usually not relevant:

Issues covered by other laws eg. Licensing, Building Control, Health and Safety Regulations
Private property rights (eg. boundary or access disputes)
The developer's morals, motivation or activities elsewhere
Perceived impact on property values Competition between businesses

To Comment on Applciation Via Rutland County Council Web Site Click Here

The site already has comment that is not valid from Anonymous 22nd March 2014


"I fully endorse this Aldi application as i feel there is a need in Oakham for this supermarket"

The local authority can not consider Anonymous or in confidence comments.

Application formApplicationFormNoPersonalData.pdf
Additional informationAdditional_information_19-03-2014.pdf
Aldi Retail AssessmentAldi_Retail_Assessment.pdf
Arboricultural ReportArboricultural_Report__Jan_2014.pdf
Design & Access StatementDesign_&_Access_Statement.pdf
Ecological Scoping SurveyEcological_Scoping_Survey.pdf
Employment Land ReportEmployment_Land_Report_V4_secured.pdf
Noise Survey ReportNoise_survey_report.pdf
Site Location PlanP001_SITE_LOCATION_PLAN.pdf
Existing Site PlanP002_EXISTING_SITE_PLAN.pdf
Proposed Site PlanP003_PROPOSED_SITE_PLAN.pdf
Proposed Drainage PlanP004_Rev_A_PROPOSED_DRAINAGE_PLAN.pdf
Proposed Landscaping PlanP005_-_PROPOSED_LANDSCAPING_PLAN.pdf
Proposed Floor PlansP200_PROPOSED_FLOOR_PLAN.pdf
Proposed ElevationsP201_PROPOSED_ELEVATIONS.pdf
Proposed Roof PlanP203_PROPOSED_ROOF_PLAN.pdf
Proposed Sections A-A and B-BP300_PROPOSED_SECTIONS_A-A_AND_B-B.pdf
Proposed Sections c-c and D-DP301_PROPOSED_SECTIONS_C-C_AND_D-D.pdf
Proposed Section E-EP302_PROPOSED_SECTION_E-E.pdf
Planning StatementPlanning_Statement.pdf
Road Collison PlanRoad_Collison_Plan.pdf
Statement of Community InvolvementStatement_of_Community_Involvement.pdf
Transport AssessmentTransport_Assessment.pdf
Travel PlanTravel_Plan.pdf
Tree Constraints & Protection PlanTree_Constraints_and_Protection_Plan.pdf
Tree Survey PlanTree_Survey_Plan.pdf
Environment Agency 20th March 2014Environment_Agency_20th_March_2014.pdf
Anonymous 22nd March 2014Anonymous_22nd_March_2014.pdf
Wood 25 March 2014Wood_25_March_2014.pdf
EIA ScreeningEIA_screening_Aldi_0001.pdf