Friday, April 04, 2014

Laura Gee and Kevin Hall, Wedding Service, Marriage Celebration, Oakham Castle, Rutland, Photographs, Edited

Laura Gee and Kevin Hall, Wedding Service, Marriage Celebration, Oakham Castle, Rutland, Photographs

A wedding is a public ceremony in law, I have often taken photographs of local weddings and received many thanks for sharing couples happy days.

One bride the daughter of a local shop keeper in 2010 was over the moon that I had done so, after her photographer lost all their images of her big day, I was happy to provide a set free of charge. Because I stongly beleive my hobby of photography is to create happiness.

It saddened me when I received strong demands from Mr Hall and Mrs Hall   via social media today that I remove images of their wedding. I respect that wish as they demmanded and he is bigger than me!

This morning I was talking to a Sgt from Leicestershire Police, about how people a few years ago would have had private family photo albums and we would not have placed them on a wall and asked people not to look at them or share them. People share a lot but if a person photographs them they shout we are protecting our children! a click of a button in the public domain you can see a lot of families and there history including any tatoo they might have. Their arugments and their happy times. I often wonder if they realise the internet is a public domain seen by all? It reminds me of the Helen Briggs Chief Executive of Rutland County Council who told police I was invading her privacy by looking at her public facebook and twitter account.

I am about to publish photographs from a big memorial service from earlier today I shall sit back and wait
for the threats to flood in. I am sure it wont be from those smiling.

To finish I wish Mr & Mrs Hall all the happiness for their future, Mrs Hall looked very pretty on the day.

And to the nice lady at the council who thought it was good to show the nice events, that happen in Oakham
I might have to rethink that one.