Saturday, April 05, 2014

Market Overton Bowls Club Cheese and Wine Evening to welcome new members

Market Overton Bowls Club Cheese and Wine Evening to welcome new members

Saturday April 5th

The club is preparing for the beginning of the new outdoor bowls season. The green is in good order, the club house spring cleaned and we are kicking off with the Cheese and Wine Evening on Saturday 5th April 8 pm to welcome old and new bowlers, free of charge.

We would be pleased to recruit new members particularly some of the younger element who may see bowls as an 'old people's sport! Ever tried it? It needs concentration and skill. I am sure they will have tried cricket, rugby and football, come and have a go at bowls. No special clothes required just flat rubber soled shoes and we will supply bowls. Coaching given and individual roll ups afternoons and evening throughout the summer arranged.

Enquiries to any of these events to 01572 812233 - Secretary
Market Overton Bowls Club
Bowling Green Lane
Market Overton
LE15 7PH