Saturday, April 05, 2014

Stamford Mid Lent Fair, Grantham Mid Lent Fair

Last Day Today

Stamford has a proud and long established history of holding fairs.

The history of the fair held in Stamford can be tracked back to 942AD although it is first mentioned in the Royal Charter of Edward IV in 1462. In the past, the fair saw animal attractions and roundabouts driven by steam engines.

The popularity of the fair was at its peak towards the end of the 19th centre and after the second world war and remains popular to this day with visitors from as far away as the United States coming over to enjoy the experience.

If you missed the fair why not visit

Grantham Mid Lent Fair

The history of the fair in Grantham can be traced back to the Charter of 1484 which Richard III granted Grantham the right to keep a prison, a market and two fairs forever within the borough. In the past, the fair saw animal attractions and roundabouts driven by steam engines. The popularity of the fair was at its peak towards the end of the 19th century and after the second world war and remains popular to this day with visitors from far and wide coming over to enjoy the experience. In total there will be in excess of 100 rides, sideshows and refreshment units.

2014 - Sunday 06 April until Wednesday 09 April 2014