Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Widow Says Her Husband Would Be Better of at the local tip instead of Oakham Cemetery, Disgrace Rutland County Council

Widow Says Her Husband Would Be Better of at the local tip instead of Oakham Cemetery, Disgrace Rutland County Council

Cllr Alf Dewis said a Widow told him her husband would have a better rest if he was thrown onto the local tip rather than the Rutland County Council managed Oakham Cemetery.

For years families have complained about the lack of care of Oakham Cemetery.

Tonight Oakham Town Council agreed it would take over the management. This would boost
their public image and get the families a respectable cemetery.

Rutland County Council is bribing the families and the Town Council. They have agreed to carry out
all repairs required before they hand over the managment to Oakham Town Council. It was said at
the meeting if Oakham Town Council did not take over the role Rutland County Council were unlikey
to fund any improvements for a couple of years or more. Disgusting Rutland County Council!

I am pleased Oakham Town Council has agreed to take on its first ever public service, although they have a lot to learn and I do hope the clerk will learn a better telephone manner, for all those extra calls he will have
to deal with.

The Mayor said he did  not want to say it but did, he can see a profit heading the councils way. "we can charge what we like" refering to burial plots.

Consecrated and non Consecrated land seemed complicated to Cllrs. They appeared not to know
who would want to be burried in non Consecrated land. we could start with the Quakers.

Let's hope Oakham Town Council get it right and don't bury people in the wrong graves which
Rutland County Council has done and tried to silence people from speaking about these mistakes.

Oakham Mayor Adam Lowe contacted me to point out the following, he says Cllr Guthrie made the comment. They were both having a discussion at the time so I must have made a mistake, Although I do clearly remember the Mayor saying I did not want to say that.


A comment on ur blog attributed to me at the Council Meeting was actually made by Rob.

I made a comment regarding overall running fees, Rob actually made the comment that we could, as a Council, review the current rates and increase them, or 'charge what we want'.

I hope u do  not me pointing this out.
