Saturday 30th August 2014
Pride Leicester
The Parade starts at 12 noon from The Curve Theatre,
making its way to
making its way to
Victoria Park at 1pm.
The route is as follows:
- Rainbow & Dove
- The Dover
- Bossa
- Helsinki
- Sloanes Bar
For information about the venues around the route see the scene guide.
This means no glass bottles or containers are allowed on the
event site.
During the parade you cannot drink alcohol as most of the
city streets are alcohol free areas.
Please ensure that you wear suitable clothing and footware,
remember to use sun cream
and drink plenty of
We will be operating Challenge 25 throughout the day,
so please bring identification with you.
We have a zero tolerance on any form of hate crime,
if you experience or witness any,
please report it to my security team.
I hope you enjoy Leicester Pride 2014, rest assured that
public safety and your welfare is my top priority.
Craig Thorpe, Security & Safety Operations Director