Friday, August 29, 2014

The Peril of Blogging About Our Councils

The Peril of Blogging About Our Councils

This afternoon I was stopped in the street by this man,
who would not tell me his name.

At first he was abusive and threatening.

He accused me of photographing his children.

He says I harass his family who have some sort of
connection to our council.

I don't harass these people, but for years they
have done just that to me.

As I was filming his car registration he approached
me again and said words to the effect I was stupid
because it was not his car.

FORD RANGER DIESEL Pick Up Double Cab Limited 2.2 TDCi 150 4WD

I let him continue to shout at me "you never
publish anything nice, you should"

Then I told him I was filming him and walked away.

Once the police have dealt with him I will publish
the video.

I won't intimidated by this rotten mob.

I would have thought these few people connected
to our councillors would have realised that I record
incidents now, especially after I published part of
Tory Chris Hamilton's drunk and abusive attack.