Thursday, September 04, 2014

Rutland Cabs Employee Wendy Miller, Please explain why you have a right to ask people to harm me

Yesterday I sent a message to Wendee Miller Rutland Cabs to ask for a
explanation, she responded at 2.30 am this morning.

For some reason she says she has not used the account for some time?
Last post 25th August 2014 and of course the reply to my message
only a few hours ago.

O well shall have to leave that to the police to puzzle.

Please explain why you have a right to ask people to harm me Philip Quinton manipulated by ex Oakham Mayor, Councillor and his Taxi Driving Young Skirt http://martinbrookes.blogspot.co.uk/2014/09/philip-quinton-manipulated-by-ex-oakham.html

Rutland Cabs
Rutland Cabs4 September 02:36
I have no clues - I did not write any of this. Philip had my passwords and he obviously passed them on
I have not used that acvcount for some time
Rutland Cabs
Rutland Cabs4 September 02:52
I did ask him about it at the time and he apologised and said it was a drunken rambling.