Saturday, September 13, 2014

Rutland County Councillors, Oakham Town Councillors & Staff Who use False Names On Skype Can Now Be Revealed

Rutland County Councillors, Oakham Town Councillors & Staff
Who use False Names On Skype messaging Can Now Be Revealed.

Now Microsoft has added Skype to outlook those councillor and staff who use
false names can now be identified, From my address book which contains
Councillors and staff email address's I can see four are using Skype.

One is using the name Potty White ?

Another is R Taylor (there are no councillors with that name)

the last two are as you would expect
open and transparent and use their
real name Cllr Richard Gale and
Cllr Nick Wainwright although
his profile photo has been airbrushed
I think!