Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Leicestershire Police Anti Corruption Unit Investigation Update, Corruption, Leicestershire police, Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council

Leicestershire Police Anti Corruption Unit Investigation Update, Corruption, Leicestershire police, Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council.

Currently Leicestershire Police are investigating five case of alleged police corruption between
themselves and the local councils.

Back in the summer they referred a file to IPCC.

The Anti Corruption Unit, Professional Standards Department
of Leicestershire Police received notification from the IPCC that the matter was suitable for investigation by Leicestershire Police on 16th September 2014.

The Anti Corruption Officer informs me The nature of some material (email communication for instance) requires that they make special application in order to be allowed access to those communications.

Leicestershire Police are to follow The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA)