Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Corruption. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Leicestershire Police Anti Corruption Unit Investigation Update, Corruption, Leicestershire police, Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council

Leicestershire Police Anti Corruption Unit Investigation Update, Corruption, Leicestershire police, Rutland County Council, Oakham Town Council.

Currently Leicestershire Police are investigating five case of alleged police corruption between
themselves and the local councils.

Back in the summer they referred a file to IPCC.

The Anti Corruption Unit, Professional Standards Department
of Leicestershire Police received notification from the IPCC that the matter was suitable for investigation by Leicestershire Police on 16th September 2014.

The Anti Corruption Officer informs me The nature of some material (email communication for instance) requires that they make special application in order to be allowed access to those communications.

Leicestershire Police are to follow The Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000 (RIPA)

Saturday, September 13, 2014

UKIP, Rutland Protest, Rutland County Council, Corruption, Police Corruption

UKIP,  Rutland Protest, Rutland County Council, Corruption, Police Corruption

Thursday, September 04, 2014

Leicestershire Police, IPCC, Corruption, Martin Brookes Rutland Times Admiring Their Journalistic Skills

Leicestershire Police IPCC Martin Brookes Rutland Times Admiring Their Journalistic Skills

The Rutland Times asked me for a comment, I carefully wrote a short response and
they have not published it?

And they still won't publish the findings against their friend Sgt Chris Wharton.
Even when I only referred to him a Sgt in my brief comment. which I complimented
the professionalism of Leicestershire Police's Anti Corruption Unit. The paper
is also incorrect with its claim that Leicestershire Police refer matters as a matter
of routine.

I received the following comment from a local resident:

Of course they didn't publish your comments. They're screwed because they've backed councillors and hope IPCC will exonerate bent coppers. Which they will. The whole establishment is working to duck your allegations of corruption. 
Sent from Samsung Mobile

Leicestershire Police Anti Corruption Unit, refer five separate issues of alleged corrupt practice to IPCC, carried out by Oakham Police & Councils

The Corrupt practice goes back as far as 2009 and relates to the special relationship between Rutland County Council and it Chief Executive and Oakham Town Council.
The corrupt practice was carried out by two Inspectors and their staff who have supported Homophobic Hate Crimes and other harassment I have been subjected to.
This also includes wrongful arrest and malicious charges and prosecutions.
Email from Leicestershire Police Anti Corruption Unit.
Mr Brookes
I have today received a voice mail message from you in which you seek further detail regarding a letter sent to you by Chief Inspector Gamble.
I can confirm that the complaints you detailed in the statements taken recently by myself have been assessed, and from those statements five separate issues of alleged corrupt practice have been identified. 

The required assessments have been made and forwarded to the IPCC along with supporting documentation, including your statements, in order that a mode of investigation may be determined.

In essence the IPCC will decide whether to investigate the matter themselves, supervise an investigation to some degree, or agree that the matters are suitable for local investigation by Leicestershire Police Professional Standards Department.
You will be informed of their decision in due course.
Best Regards
Detective Constable ###
Anti Corruption Unit
Professional Standards Department
Leicestershire Police
Force Headquarters
St. Johns
LE19 2BX
Mail to: ####@leicestershire.pnn.police.uk
Switchboard: 0116 2222222
Ext No. 5225 : VM No. 0705
Mobile 0#######

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Internet email is not to be treated as a secure means of communication. Leicestershire Police monitors all internet email activity and content.
This communication is intended for the addressee(s) only. Please notify the sender if received in error. Unauthorised use or disclosure of the content may be unlawful. Opinions expressed in this document may not be official policy.
Thank you for your co-operation.

(c) Leicestershire Police

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Oakham Town Council, Oakham Police Corruption, Grant Applications

Oakham Town Council, Oakham Police Corruption

Earlier this year I found an Oakham Town Councillor had presented a grant application to the Council.
There were issues with the application, criminal issues.

I notified Oakham Town Council and Melton Borough Council. (The applicants said they were also intending to make a similar large claim from that council, I notice that council no longer awards public money in this way, something Oakham Town Council should consider)

I also notified Oakham Police who were not interested in my complaint. An organisation who
listened to 10 idiots connected to local governance and then proceeded to treat me in the most
despicable manner.

The application was withdrawn at the meeting. The Clerk told the Councillor not to say anything. I imagine he learnt that from his father a ex Oakham Police Officer.

Oakham Mayor Alf Dewis always with his hands in 
pockets with the police comfortable in there 
I am surprised there is room for his hands 
when  I meet him I never shake his hand it might be damp?

Regular readers will know the past issues, I had with the former LPU commander Inspector Johnny Monks,
who lived in the pocket of Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council and the disgraceful small
mob that supports them.

Inspector Kam Mystry

I was rather stupid to think anything would change when Inspector Kam Mystry took over. He can't even
look me in the eye.

He wrote to me and suggested, the police need not take any action against the Councillor because the Town
Council can deal with it.

He was wrong, so I persisted with my complaining.

The police wrote to me, I received the above letter today it took 3 months for them to reply to one of my complaints. I had received a previous reply complaining about me complaining and that officer suggested I sent my complaints to Inspector Kam Mystry, he wrote and told me email was inappropriate and I should pay to call 101 disgraceful...

They have failed to answer one of my questions, which of the two lodges Inspector Mystry belongs to. I can not think of any other reason why he failed to take action against the Councillor who belongs to two.

Six months on the Councillor and another person are now subject to criminal investigation by Leicestershire Constabularies Economic Crime unit.

In the meantime Oakham Town Councillors, Dewis, Lucas, Haworth, Lowe along with Rutland Tory Mobster Gene Plews and his team of retired depraved ex Councillors and supporters don't call for this Councillors resignation. Why?

Are they blogging and sending them filthy letters with the support of Oakham Police?

No of course not they continue to attack me because this Councillor who set out to defraud the tax payer
is such a good charity worker.

Is that what they used to say about Jimmy Saville?

Why are they not running to their friends at the Rutland Times?

Simple answer he is one of the mob, If the looks from the husband of the woman who lied to police a friend of this councillor could kill, I would be dead by now. I wonder how long the intimidation will continue?

Each year Oakham Town Council gives away tax payers money to their friends in the form of community grants.

They all feel as if they are beyond reproach.

Cllr Dodds gave away public money, Instead of returning the large sum of unused  money to the council.
No action was taken because the a solicitor advised the council it was their fault because they awarded the grant with no conditions attached.

They don't call for her resignation why?

Because in her own words "we have always done things this way"

The Councillor currently being investigated still attends meetings, Their input is next to nothing, They do not speak at the infrequent points of debate.

I wonder if they are charged, will they still attend meetings.

Will we read about in the Rutland Times? All so often ready to publish anything the mob tell them about me.