Saturday, November 29, 2014

Rutland County Council, Constant Lies about Homeless, Here in Oakham and Rutland

Rutland County Council, Constant Lies about Homeless, Here in Oakham and Rutland

Rutland County Council keeps telling us there are no rough sleepers in Oakham and
points to a charity fund to help anyone who is.

The shocking thing is they don't help.

If you are a local resident and become homeless they will pay for a one way ticket
to Leicester.

Currently there are two rough sleepers here in Oakham.

One will probably cycle of to a new destination soon.

The other, is another of example of the disgraceful way in which Rutland County
Council treats their own when they fall on hard times.

For over a month now a Oakham resident has been sleep in the door way of
a council property, despite the councils assurance that this never happens here in
Rutland. It does! I won't identify which doorway for fear of the cold hearted chief executive
Helen Briggs and Tory Chums who would probably have it bricked up.

What is quite shocking about this case is this person had local establishment links and
is constantly asking the council for help to find accommodation.

In the past this young man has appeared in my photographs standing close to
local establishment figures at many of the pointless military parades Oakham has
to endure. Often I would pass him and he would turn to a person, I assume he
thought was a friend and say "there goes that arsehole" I imagine those people he thought
were his friends are now walking past him asleep in doorways making similar comments about

I hope the council sort this man a place to live before winter sets in.

When I was in the council office a couple of weeks ago, I offered him my spare
room for the weekend to help. He did not take up my offer, I guess he still thinks
I am a arsehole or something like his old friends.

Lets hope he does not start drink and end up dead like Gary did.

At the moment I won't republish photographs and point out the homeless man, If he
dies on the council door step I will to shame them.