Monday, November 17, 2014

Tesco Product Pricing, Red Warning Flags, Yellow Caution.

Tesco Product Pricing, Red Warning Flags, Yellow Caution.

Tesco has introduced a new red shelf edge pricing flag. I assume this is to alert customers
into stopping and thinking about the price.

Very recently I purchased a multi pack of Heinz Beanz price £2.00

This week the price has increased to £2.50

Thank's to Tesco for displaying a warning sign.

Next to the multi packs single cans are sold for 50p each

This pricing policy seems to pop up all over the store.

A Ribena 2 litre bottle will set you back £4.99
But if you buy two single litre bottles this saves you 99p

Despite this the 2 litre bottle is almost sold out.

I guess people view the yellow shelve label with caution
because so often they saving can be as little as 10p if
you buy two on so many products. Is it case when there
is a real deal like this one people don't believe it?