Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Oakham Town Council To Finally Remove Former Cllr Charles Haworth as a bank signatory, Also Cllr Maureen Dodds Absent for nearly a year

Oakham Town Council To Finally Remove Former Cllr Charles Haworth as a bank signatory,
Also Cllr Maureen Dodds Absent for nearly a year.

At this evenings meeting at the council chamber in Victoria Hall, Oakham Town Council
7.00pm will decide if they should remove former Councillor as a Signatory from its bank

This should have been done weeks ago.

From my own experience of Banks, I believe the Council has put public money at risk
by not removing him at the point of his resignation.

When I say personal experience I mean I once witness a mistake made by Barclay's Bank
for over two years. A new person in a organisation was able to cash cheques as a second
signatory without the bank having a record of their signature. Nothing illegal had happened
but if it had the bank would have had a big liability.

When a signatory is removed local branches are often notified to prevent theft and this
is where Oakham Town Council has failed to protect tax payers money.

As for the removal of Cllr Maureen Dodds. I am not sure about the reasoning the
council has for this. They are happy to extend this Councillors long term absence due to
ill health. Although this does not stop her attending social event as a Councillor.
Some Councillor at Oakham Town Council still regard the council as a little club with
a life time membership and appear to find it acceptable when a Councillot does not
serve their ward for almost a year.

I wonder if removing her as a signatory has anything to do with the way she handled tax
payers money in the past?

Could it have anything to do with Oakham in Bloom calling in the auditors after she
stepped down as their chairman?