Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Oakham Town Council Agenda Wednesday 10th December 2014

Oakham Town Council Agenda Wednesday 10th December 2014

Oakham Town have once again failed to comply with the localism act by not publishing
The agenda on its website.

On Sunday I spoke to the Mayor Cllr Jayne Woodcock and Cllr Adam Lowe
and asked when are you going to publish the required documents on-line.

Their response was it is not our job, we are Councillors.

The Clerk has been of sick since last month illegal co-option saga. Even though the
council broke the law they like describe it as flawed.

Whilst the Clerk is absent no one can access the council website to make updates, it
appears not even his assistant has earned that privilege.

Cllrs have a duty to ensure laws are followed. Clearly not the case at Oakham Town

Item 18 is unlawful, due to the council following an incorrect act. It as used this
act for many years which only applies to principal authorities, which they are not.
They are just a sloppy parish council.