Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Oakham Town Council, Amends Agenda, attempting to correct unlawful item and fails, Fitness Centre Oakham

Oakham Town Council, Amends Agenda, attempting to correct unlawful item and fails

Oakham Town Council produced it agenda for this evenings meeting and item
18 is unlawful, because the council quotes part of a act that applies to a principal

The Council has since amended the item quoting part of the correct act

this is still unlawful because the council does not which part of the act they
are using.

They can not just kick out the public and press because they don't like some
one blogging about it. There has to be good reason as stated in the act.

This Fitness Centre has recently been discussed in public.

The tenants are planning to move out to the prison site.

Oakham Town Council previously voted that they should pay all the rent due to them
if they wanted to leave the Princess Avenue site before the permitted time shown in
the lease.

The dishonest Deputy Mayor Cllr Alf Dewis abstained from previous votes after
I raised concerns about his connections to the tenants. I wonder if the localism act
could be applied. There is no point asking Leicestershire Police to apply it because
they support this man and his friends.

I believe there is no reason for this item to be made exempt.

Everyone knows who the tenants are and they pay below the market value rent.
And most seriously a quarter of the towns precept was spent helping set up
this private company and this is how the family who live in Hambleton return
thanks to the tax payers of Oakham.

What is Oakham Town Councillor Dewis attempting to hide?