Tuesday, January 27, 2015

100 days to go MacMillan urgently need your support today to make cancer care a priority for all political parties.

By 2020 half of us will face cancer during our lives.

Sadly the UK is already failing to support everyone with cancer and it’s only going to get worse as the number of people with cancer soars.

MacMillan think everyone deserves the best possible care and support, so they don’t have to face cancer alone.

The General Election is our chance to make this happen.

And with only 100 days to go MacMillan urgently need your support today to make cancer care a priority for all political parties.

How you can help

Thanks to the help of MacMillan supporters so far, political parties are already thinking about the importance of improving cancer care.

But we need to make sure that as many people as possible support the campaign so that politicians will act to make this a priority.

Join the campaign at timetochoose.org.uk to make cancer an election priority and avoid a cancer care crisis.

It’s nearly election time so your local parliamentary candidates may soon be knocking on your door. Download one  handy door-hangers to get some suggestions of good questions to ask.