How Leicestershire Police Deal with Historic Sexual Abuse, Exploitation
Over the last few years I have been told I should publish details of my long distant past.
Via tweets and email.
Not long ago I did mention that at a point in my life, half way I was a bit of a teenage tearaway.
Someone at Leicestershire Police told Councillors about this. When they should not.
A recent tweet:
And did some silly things I am not proud of.
A recent Tweet:
vehicle vehicle
#oakham @OakhamUK I hear martin brookes will be tweeting details of his full criminal record. #brave of him. #respect
When I was a teenage tearaway I would say the police were not much better.
I was often let off in return for sexual favours requested by a few male officers.
As a young 17 year old I did not mind accepting the inducement in return for my freedom.
When I first started receiving the anonymous demands requesting
that I should use my blog to post details of my forgotten past, I spoke to an officer at Oakham Police Station, because I thought someone had
leaked police information, possibly to members of the Police Joint Action Group at the time
chaired by Inspector Monks and attended by Oakham Town Councillors
Joyce Lucas, Charles Haworth and Alf Dewis or the other possibility was Cllr Adam Lowe who at the time was a Special Constable. I told the officer about my past and the underage sexual exploitation by members of another force, and how these constant reminders were unhelpful.
A few day later I was called into Oakham Police Station and was
interviewed in the police station and recorded in the presence of
Inspector Monks. I gave evidence about that misconduct.
Some time passed and I was called back to Oakham Station,
Inspector Monks had decided that the investigation had ended.
Stating it was such a long time ago it is highly likely those few
officers involved had obviously retired and died.
I referred to the tape recorded interview here,
I referred to the tape recorded interview here,
Strange how brother officers unite to protect their bent colleagues.
At the time I was 17 not sure if I was gay and the age of consent was then 21 so it is fair to
say, now looking back abuse occurred.