Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Cllr Gene Plews My Rutland County Council Accuses PC Laurie Appleton of being my personal chauffeur

Cllr Gene Plews My Rutland County Councillor Accuses PC Laurie Appleton of being my personal chauffeur.

There was a time I would have not stood up for PC Appleton and his Rugby Club chums but
in this case I find it utterly despicable that Cllr Gene Plews has mad such a serious false allegation
against both the police and myself.

I have spoken to Leicestershire Police and sent the following email to Cllr Plews.

Dear Mr Gene Plews,

I understand you have wasted taxpayers money and possibly shown you strongest link to
those who harass me in the street. 

I refer to your friend and Mr Beech's friend, David Dilks of Gunthorpe Road.

Whilst out delivering leaflets for the Libdems, I bumped into Mr Dilks who politely asked me
not to enter his property. When I told him the survey was not mine, he took it from me.
Some 10 minutes later a police car pulled up. I thought the officer may have been called
by Mr Dilks. I know the officer and we had a short chat, I  did not think anymore of it, until

I was told you had contacted Inspector Lou Cordiner and accused that officer
of giving me a lift to Gunthorpe Road?

You are an utter disgrace when will you get the help you clearly need. 

You should resign.

I know you, Mr Beech and friends are responsible for those disgusting tweets comments and 
letters sent to me. 

You are not fit to be a councillor. Just because the police will not play along with your
harassment of me anymore, you now lie about those officers in an attempt to get them into trouble.

Leicestershire Police tell me they are happy that PC Laurie Appleton was not my taxi


Martin Brookes

I can remember how keen detective Inspector 'Johnny' Monks was to have me wheeled of by the
men in white coats. Perhaps he should return and help those who were a little closer to 
home and maybe just maybe things would have turned out a little better for him and
his club members if he had referred Cllrs like Mr Plews who clearly need some help.