Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Oakham Town Council Money Grabbing Plan To Be Considered By Rutland County Council Hawksmead Estate

Oakham Town Council Money Grabbing Plan To Be Considered By Rutland County Council

Resident moving into the new Hawksmead Estate apparently consider themselves to be living in

Oakham Town Council original thought that was the case. The Town Clerk Richard White
could not contain his excitement at a meeting of the town council he welcomed the new homes
because it meant more cash for the town council for no services in return.

Oakham Town Councils Mayor recently said there should be a boundary change because
the new residents might like to benefit from the entertainment the council provides.

The is no good reason for this boundary change and if I lived there I would be fighting
to stay in Barleythorpe.

If the change happen the residents will in a band D property will have to pay Oakham
Town Council £53.40 a year. The Barleythorpe Parish Precept is only 23p

The matter will considered at Rutland County Councils meeting on 9th February 2015

9 February 2015