Friday, February 13, 2015

Oakham Town Council Too Busy Bullying to be concerned about issues concerning our town.

Oakham Town Council Too Busy Bullying to be concerned about issues concerning our town.

Cllr Stan Stubbs the man who lives next to the Clerk bulldozed his way into Oakham
Town Council. He has made planning considerations even worse than they were previously.

His creation the planning sub committee which meets when it wants too and at no fixed
time is proof he does not want any input from residents.

At this weeks meeting Cllr Stubbs proved he lies when he says he is fully trained in planning
in the above video you can see him reaching a planning decision based on if they approved
the application it would set a precedent. Not a lawful planning consideration. Each application
has to be considered on its individual merit.

Speaking of Law Councillor Lucas was present, because of her role as tree warden.
During the meeting she attempts once again to break the law by seeking delegated
powers, so she could deal with a tree application it sounds as if this one has a bit
of personal history after carefully listening to her comments about the past history
of the applicant. The problems can be little to some but if you are effected they are big.

If you look closely at Cllr Lucas and her role as tree warden, the vendettas that she is involved
in with some residents are unbelievable.

One example is the issue of the tree in the corner of Royce Recreation Ground planted at the
same time as others over ten years ago, all were planted  too close to home owners fences.
All but that one tree was removed and Cllr Lucas has involved herself in what can only be described as  harassment and bullying against the couple effected if what the gentleman tells me is true.

The gentleman visits Oakham Town Council each year to ask the council to prune the tree
as he did a few weeks ago, Many times the council clerk has sent a tree surgeon to carry out
work and the gentleman tells me Cllr Lucas pops up and stops them carrying out work. that
could explain the odd shape she often arrives after they have cut the parkside and she stops
them cutting the residents side.

The other week the gentleman visited Oakham Town Council, Cllr Lucas was present at that visit pottering around as she does when ever the Clerk is long term skiving. She joined in the conversation as he spoke to the assistant Clerk. You can imagine his surprise when Cllr Lucas published a photo of the tree in full blossom in her column  a few days later in Rutland Times highlighting how wonderful that tree is.

Some people in Cllr Lucas's ward describe her as pure evil, that is their opinion and
I guess they are entitled to make that opinion. The tree is not yet in blossom as she implies in the column, I wonder why she chose that tree to compliment her column with that photo, Is she now using the Rutland Times as an extension of her bullying and harassment of this couple?

The law state no council decision making can not be delegated to one councillor.

At the same meeting we can hear Cllr Alan Walters moaning about the Hawksmead
Larkfleet Development.

Strong disappointment was expressed because Larkfleet have not stuck to the original
plan which they produce at the beginning, they promised a village like area instead
they have created an estate made up of blocks.

Who's fault is that? you could say Rutland County Council and The Deputy Leader
Terry King who is only interested in screwing as much 106 contributions out of
Hawksmead to fund council projects like the prison site outside Oakham or Barleythorpe.

A lot of the blame rests with Oakham Town Council who do nothing for our town accept course
serious problems for people. There comments on plans sent to them from Rutland County Council
are often daft personal opinions and not lawfull planning considerations.

Cllr Stan Stubbs asked for the formation of this committee claiming it would
improve the councils standing with Rutland County Council, that is total nonsense.

A example of this is when he asks a councillor have you looked and the plans and
the councillor responds "No" how can anyone make a decision when they have
shown no interest in the application?