Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Cllr Gene Plews Rutland County Councillor Receives Informal warning for improper uses of council resources

Cllr Gene  Plews Rutland County Councillor Receives Informal warning for  improper uses of council resources and 3 other Breaches of Codes of Conduct

Cllr Gene  Plews Oakham SE Councillor on Rutland County Council
who was a Conservative Councillor and Cabinet member.

He became an independent mid term after falling out with the
Tory Leadership.

It is interesting to see Tory Mrs Briggs CEO has permitted my
complaint to be dealt with by the monitoring officer.

Previous complaints about his conduct and that of the Tory
Leadership Cllr Begy and Cllr King were Not approved by her
describing the same abysmal conduct and abuse of the
council resources as "political tit for tat"

This finding is very clear, although an informal resolution for
such disgusting prolonged conduct is unacceptable. But then
I don't really expect much more from Tory Helen Briggs
and her Tory team.

If Mr Plews was still a Tory member I would be 100% sure
this complaint would not have been investigated.

It is a great shame the local media has its head stuck right
up the Tories bottoms by choosing not to publish anything
which puts the council in a bad light. unless someone is
leaving the paper.

It is also a shame other older residents who have suffered
due to Cllr Plews poor conduct are not brave enough to
come forward and complain about his bullying.

Those who follow my blog will remember some years
ago I published a post which contained information from
a elderly couple who attended a planning meeting and
were showing members of the public emails sent to
them from Cllr Plews the content was shocking and
bullying. To jog Mr Plews memory when he is reading
this it was the same evening a member of the public
was circulating a petition to rid the council of the
super bully CEO and Tory Returning Officer Helen Briggs.

To date I have not received an apology from Cllr Plews
I have been told he is not standing May. If that is true
I wish him well and maybe I can suggest he actually
does some good and work on his good cause supporting
let down ex military personnel.