Saturday, March 28, 2015

Oakham Town Council Elections Incorrect Information, Parish Council and Rutland County Council DC 2015 Nomination Packs

Oakham Town Council Elections Incorrect Information, Parish Council and Rutland County Council DC 2015 Nomination Packs

Oakham Town Council recently handed out information to people who showed an interest
in becoming a candidate for this May's Elections.

The information given relating to nomination packs is incorrect you can not collect them
from Oakham Town Council or any other parish council.

It is true to say Mrs Briggs the Tory Returning officer has sent enough to parish councils
for clerks to hand out to lazy councillors who would find it to much trouble to collect
one from Rutland County Councils offices just like everyone else.

Some people have found Rutland County Council staff unhelpful and incorrectly sending them
back to parish council councils.

Rutland County Council is the place to obtain all nomination packs for Parishes or County.

There is a direct phone Number for Electoral Services

01572 720954

Email: elections@rutland.gov.uk

Although The Returning officer is paid for her role she employs two council staff
to deal with all election issues they are

Sam and Alex