Friday, March 27, 2015

Rutland County Council Permits Destruction of 100 year old Lime Trees Outside The Admiral Hornblower Oakham

Rutland County Council Permits Destruction of 100 year old Lime Trees Outside The Admiral Hornblower Oakham

I also often wonder why Rutland County Council has
conservation areas?

I can bet Wetherspoons had wished they had also described their limes as diseased Elm when
they wanted to chop theirs down.

The Admiral Hornblower Pub More Tree Loss Oakham Rutland Thanks To Rutland County Council

The Admiral Hornblower hack down two trees this week.

When this application was put before Oakham Town Council the tree warden
told Councillors these trees were not Elm and were certainly not diseased as
described in a letter/report.

She also pointed out the report provided by the applicant to Rutland County
Council was terrible. It had no contact details or address for the so called
expert who had provided the letter.

Rutland County Councils planning officers ignored the councils concerns and

I agree with a comment Cllr Lucas made last year.

Rutland County Council won't be happy until they have stripped
the town naked of trees.

Trees taken away by lorry