Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Cllr Stan Stubbs Oakham Town Council said Rutland County Council are Disgusting

Cllr Stan Stubbs Oakham Town Council is starting to realise their is something "quite disgusting" about Rutland County Council

Cllr Stan Stubbs commented at this evenings Town Council meeting about Rutland County
Council and planning decisions.

He said, I am starting to think it is pointless us making any comments on planning applications
Rutland County Council don't take any notice of us and they are disgusting for ignoring us.

I am hoping the new town council will scrap his planning sub committee.

I was recently reading parish council guidance and it is highly unusual for a parish
council to have sub committees.

It is going to take a long time before Rutland County Council take Oakham Town
Council seriously.

It will certainly take a lot more than four councillors taking a half days training in
planning and setting up a pointless sub committee.