Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Bully Cllr Alf Dewis Struck Again at this Evenings Oakham Town Council Meeting, Causing our Mayor Distress.

The Bully Cllr Alf Dewis Struck Again at this Evenings Oakham Town Council Meeting, Causing our Mayor Distress.

After the close of the meeting The Mayor Jayne Woodcock turned to her deputy, Cllr Alf Dewis
and snapped looking visibly upset "Don't you ever sit their whispering in my ear telling
me to shut up during the meeting" The dispute then continued in the privacy of the office.

I wonder why people won't speak out publicly against Alf Dewis, what are they afraid of
he is just a power crazed bully who pretends he is more important than he is.

Yes he has friends at Rutland County Council who share similar bullying tendencies.
Those being Tory Helen Briggs the CEO, Roger Begy and Terry King.

He most certainly wont bully me this time around, when I return to the council.
The video will stay on all the time in his presence this time.

The video I am currently  uploading shows how Cllr Alf slouches in his chair in the direction
of the Mayor, a very obvious invasion of her space.

Cllr Alf Dewis is responsible for the Clerks long period of current absence.

He is and has always been a very unpleasant man.

How many more people is this coward going to bully and does he get pleasure
from seeing woman distressed? as was the case this evening and when the
last female councillor resigned.

He makes the ex Mayor Paul Beech seem like an angel.

Mr Beech attended tonight to support Cllr Dewis new policy to use force to
remove people or councillors who might disagree with him,

Mr Beech rightly so did not want tax payers money spent on bouncers
he prefered the use of their private police force known to most as Leicestershire

It was lovely to see Mr Beech at the meeting and speaking against people
who disrupt meetings . Lets hope there is no repeat of his past conduct.
Throwing a bag of ties in the direction of a councillor could be considered
a breach of the new disorderly policy.

It would be tragic if the police were  called and he was forcibly removed
from the meeting.