Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Could Oakham Town Council End Up With No Councillors After May 7th

Could Oakham Town Council End Up With No Councillors After May 7th

Nine of the 12 seats of the have been filled uncontested.

As part of taking up the position of Councillor a number of legal declarations
need to be signed and witnessed by the Clerk.

Some of the current group of Councillors have caused a serious issue.

They have for month been paying a Clerk who does not work.
I am told he has no intention of returning to work this month let alone next
month or the following.

Oakham Town Council asked for advice from Rutland County Council
democratic services and the response given is we don't give advice to
parish councils.

The assistant to the Clerk who works extremely hard for a lot less pay than
the Clerk is currently seeking advice from NALC.