Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Rutland and Melton parliamentary candidates to face General Elections hustings is Rev Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani expecting a fight?

Rutland and Melton parliamentary candidates to face General Elections hustings is Rev Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani expecting a fight between candidates in his church?

Rev Canon Lee Francis-Dehqani speaking to the Rutland Times said:

"We will ensure that the local PCSO officers know it is happening but there will be sides people to keep order"

All though this is a public hustings it chaired by a politically Tory biased clergyman.
He has been very honest in the Rutland Times article he states the following:

 “On the night there will be a brief opening statement and then we will turn to questions. These are to be submitted in advance to election@oakhamteam.org.uk and should be submitted by Monday, April 27.

“We will take questions on any subject relevant to this election, local or national, and we will only select questions that can be addressed to all candidates.

“A small group of us will select the questions and there will be an opportunity for supplementary questions at the meeting under my chairmanship.

“As this meeting is organised by Churches Together in Oakham there will be a natural priority given to questions that concern the local faith communities.”

The hustings - organised by Churches Together in Oakham - will be open to the public and will be held on Wednesday, April 29 from 7.30pm.

It is such a shame their is no proper public hustings event.