Sunday, May 17, 2015

Rutland County Council leader Tory Roger Begy hopes to put politics aside

Rutland County Council leader hopes to put politics aside

Roger Begy unopposed once again, suggesting members of the council
ignore their political values when coming together to serve the
community of Rutland.

Why bother standing for a political party if you are publicly
asking those affiliated to a political parties to ignore their

“I hope we can be as inclusive of all our councillors as possible so that we can 
drive forward for Rutland,” he said.

“Its not a party thing; it’s a Rutland thing.” 

The Tories just about hold the majority here in Rutland, reading into what Roger
is saying is we can look forward to a repeat of last four years, join with us
or we will give you hell, the Rutland Tory destination of inclusive.

If his comments were true why did so many Tories leave his club during and
at the end of the last term of office.

“Its not a party thing; it’s a Rutland thing.” is the biggest problem for Rutland
DS MacDonald from Leicestershire Police described politics here in Rutland
as unique, I would go as far as saying it was bizarre and often nasty.

Rutland County Councillors will meet on Monday, June 1,
to elect a chairman, leader and appoint favoured members to various committees.
Lets hope none of those new Tories have been bought with promises
of extra allowances as was suggested by a former Tory Councillor during a
previous public meeting.

Lets hope when the election of the leader is considered people seriously think
about the future of Rutland. Roger Begy seems to hold on to power for
eternity if he really wants to see in change for good then he should step
down and let some one fresh take control, I would suggest Richard Clifton
yes raised as stinking Rutland Tory a local business man who sees the
need for change would make a perfect leader of our Council.
God help us if Cllr King was to be crowned leader.

No one can criticise Roger Begy for his commitment to reign on and on
but it is surely time for change. Roger Begy holds a 100% attendance
record despite his age, which he mentions at meeting saying he expects
to live a couple more years based on the life expectancy figures
for males here in Rutland. I would like to know Rogers secret for
his good health are there preservatives present in those beverages
sold at the golf club, cricket club and rugby club? Is he Pickles or is
that pickled, It can't be Pickles because he once said at a meeting
Mr Pickles makes him feel slim.