Thursday, July 16, 2015

Oakham Residents Set Up New Facebook Page Oakham Mayor Needs To Go! Town Council A Joke!

Oakham Residents Set Up New Facebook Page


Oakham Mayor Needs To Go! Town Council A Joke!

Oakham Residents Set Up New Facebook Page 
Administered by a recent co-option candidate.
supporters past twenty in less than twenty 
four hours.

Personally I am pleased it's not just Cllr Joyce Lucas who recognises 
that Oakham Town Council is failing. Of course she is one of the 
main reasons for the council current state.

The new members Cllrs Vince Howard, Elliot or Mills 
Jasmine can not be blamed for the failings

I also see an attempt to change being made by Cllr Lowe

The Culture of bullying and incompetence that is rampant for at least 
the last five years at Oakham Town Council needs to be squashed.

Facebook group name: Oakham Mayor Needs To Go! Town Council A Joke!

Cllr Martin Brookes