Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Leicestershire Police set up new Ethics, Integrity and Complaints Committee

Leicestershire Police set up new Ethics, Integrity and Complaints Committee

The new Ethics, Integrity and Complaints Committee with the power to examine, and advise the Chief Constable about, the conduct of the Police.

The committee is made up of members of the public who live or work in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland,

The Ethics Committee was set up by Crime Commissioner Sir Clive Loader

Five members of the public have been appointed to form the committee.

Dr Steven Cammiss, Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Leicester

Ms Lois Dugmore, Nurse consultant, dual diagnosis, Care quality commission specialist advisor

Dr Mark Peel, Senior Lecturer, School of Social Work and Research and Consultancy, University of Leicester

Ms Lynne Richards, Head of Fundraising at the National Forest Company

Professor Cillian Ryan, economist and Pro Vice-Chancellor & Dean of the Faculty of Business & Law De Montfort University

All very average members of our community?

Some of the issues to handled by the committee include:

Expenses claimed by officers and staff of the Force and the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner

Stop and search data

Promotion processes

Gifts and hospitality received

Whistle-blowing processes

Overall behaviour and conduct issues

Which according to Rutland Radio News will include the relationship between
Leicestershire Police and other agencies.

As a person who has been seriously affected by special relationships between
Leicestershire Police, Rutland County Council and Oakham Town Council
I am looking forward to seeing how this committee progresses it will apparently
look into historic case and current issues.

The Committee will undertake an advisory role and will not be a decision
making body. so I doubt it will be able to stop what went wrong in the past.

The members of the committee receive an Annual allowance of £2,643.75 per year, plus travel expenses at Standard class rail fare or car miles at 45p per mile.

I am still awaiting the final report from Leicestershire Police Anti Corruption
Unit. I was recently told a draft was complete. I was also told it would be
confidential despite the Chief Constable assuring members of the public
at a public meeting with the Police and Crime Commissioner that the findings
of the investigation would be made public.