Monday, November 16, 2015

Paul Beech Former Oakham Mayor Complains about My Filming and Photographing of Remembrance Sunday Compares it to urinating on War Memorial

Paul Beech Former Oakham Mayor Complains about My Filming and Photographing of Remembrance Sunday Compares it to urinating on War Memorial

Apart from finding Bully Mr Beech Offensive I find his comment about me
photographing and filming the towns act of remembrance very offensive.

This is something I have done for many years and attempted to carry out very respectfully
and for him to describe my conduct as nothing short of desecration, is no worse
than the youth who urinated on the Sheffield War Memorial.

His has deeply shocked me how low can this thug stoop! I think anyone who knows
me will also find Mr Beech's comment difficult to comprehend.

Is it not time Mr Beech and Co, seek medical assistance for the constant unhealthy
obsession of me.

I did not see Mr Beech on Sunday thankfully if he was practicing what he preaches
why is it he noticed so much of my activity on Sunday.

I have received the attached complaint from Paul Beech. Could you please let me have your view of the events on which he is basing his complaint so that I might respond.

Dear Alf

Whatever I do is going to be an issue for Mr Beech he  is a constant problem for me.

I was very aware of his complaining before you sent me his letter. I was not attending either event 
officially in my capacity as a councillor. You officially attended the event on Sunday and represented our town 
and council impeccable.

You were also at Wednesday's event.

My conduct at both event has never been disrespectful, unlike Mr Beech who was once issued 
a fixed penalty for sticking two fingers up at me and telling me to fuck off at a previous remembrance 

I was aware of Mr Beech's comments regarding my conduct on Sunday so on the 11th, I arranged
my position to film and take pictures by consulting with the lay person who stood in for a clergy man.

I stood in the road behind a taxi to set up my camera facing the point the lay person from 
of the church had said he would be standing at.

Mr Beech's friend did rather impolitely tell me to move out of the way because she could not see, I attempted to explain 
I would, as it was intention to leave the camera on the tripod. Mr Beech said quite firmly I would not be in the way because they were

After hearing Mr Beech's constant comments about my conduct, I asked PC Joe Lloyd a former service
man if he had a problem with my conduct, he respond no because I record something 
that is important that may soon be forgotten.

When recording these events I attempt not to get in the way of anyone. I stay in
one place unlike the press and RCC Cllr or the RAF photographer who was bobbing up down all 
over the place on Sunday I assume Mr Beech will be writing to the press, RCC and the RAF?

I am fed up with Mr Beech's constant scrutiny, it seems he has an unhealthy obsession. His
Last complaint about me not giving money to the Soldiers Charity was disgusting
Giving to a charity is a personal choice and in my case not what Mr Beech feels
I should support, I purchased a extra large poppy this year I hope Mr Beech noticed.

Because I am fed up with the constant harassment from our former Mayor I am
publishing my response to you and his letter of complaint.

Finally being a Town Councillor does not mean we have to support events like
remembrance sunday and some Councillors were absent will Mr Beech be
complaining about them. 

I do wish Mr Beech the "vile bully" would listen to his wife and leave me alone! 

Please kindly supply me with a copy of the response you send Mr Beech 



Below is the image I took of Mr Beech which saw him receive a fixed penalty 
fine of £80 from Leicestershire Police after he told me to Fuck Off and stuck
his two fingers up at me at a previous remembrance Sunday.