Monday, November 16, 2015

Pleased to see Oakham North West Candidate John Kennedy's Twitter Account has re-opened

Pleased to see Oakham North West Candidate John Kennedy's Twitter Account has re-opened

I've allegedly closed this account, I don't think so lol

I look forward to reading his intelligent political comment.

Pakistanis, Afghans and Iranians should be put back on the next boat home.....

This woman and her party are a joke! Why don't all the left wingers join the Communist party and fight as one?

@itvnews Typical scouser

@itvnews ANDY BURNHAM, have you no shame? you shift from one slime pot to another! Decide what you want and stick with it. GUTTER RAT!

@itvnews No Andy, it means no Illegals. Dogs are ok. You must be the slimiest politician who has ever been on this earth. No backbone

@Number10gov Muslims always play the race card when they do not get their own way. It happens the other way too, record that as well please

@OakhamPolice Message from Joyce Lucas -URGENT NOTICE Six women are calling door to door JW. Please alert everyone. Joyce

@BBCScotlandNews @BBCNews This excuse for a woman is seriously deluded!

Pity he has become such a sour faced moaning sod!

@itvnews Don't be so sure Watson. Just as you and your slimy mates squirmed into power, you can just as easily be removed

@ShaliniAustin @Mercury_Alex Yet another case of "political correctness" from egocentric public servants. You SERVE us, not own us!

Mr Kennedy is a supporter of the death penalty

If you don't commit murder, you will not be on death row! We should have the same deterrent here

Take them back to Libya. EUROPE is full!

John Kennedy @jk121956 Kick them all out

Stop the benefits now! Get the fat cow to earn her money

Mr Kennedy is not fond of Jon who pulled out of the election
it also appears he has issues with next door....

@jonbrackenridge Jon sort your own issues out and I will try and sort out the issues of me and my neighbours

I wonder what Mr Kennedy thinks about the contracts of employment of Oakham Town
Council staff a pay rise guaranteed every year even when they make mistake after mistake?

@jennirsl @theJeremyVine Public sector staff seem to get more, the worse the job they do!

If elected let's hope Mr Kennedy remembers this Tweet:

Councils should serve the public who elect them

It does appear Mr Kennedy is aware of what people might think of his
public comments

I can't comment, lest I am said to be racist. All I will say is I don't think this is right