Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Rutland has now officially registered a flag with The Flag Institute. It is freely flyable and publicly useable flag

Rutland has now officially registered a flag with The Flag Institute.


Flag Type: County Flag

Flag Date: 1st May 1950

Flag Designer: College of Arms

Adoption Route: Local Council

UK Design Code: UNKG7451

Aspect Ratio: 3:5

Pantone® Colours: Green 355, Yellow 116

Certification: Flag Institute Chief Vexillologist, Graham Bartram


The golden horseshoe on green has been the traditional emblem of the county since at least 1784.

The horseshoe refers to a tradition where dignitaries travelling through the county are compelled to deliver a horseshoe to Castle Hall in the county town of Oakham.

The semy of acorns that was included as part of the 1950 College of Arms grant to the county council is a reference to Rutland’s small area.

On 9th November 2015 the county council agreed to waive the copyright of this design and allow for it to be a freely flyable and publicly useable flag.