Monday, February 22, 2016

Rutland County Council has received an application to designate an Oakham Neighbourhood Area.

Rutland County Council has received an application to designate an Oakham Neighbourhood Area.  
The application covers the whole of Oakham and Barleythorpe Parishes and part of Egleton Parish.

The purpose of the application, if approved, would be to enable a neighbourhood plan to be prepared for this area.  This would set out the views of the local community on matters such as:

•             planning policies for the development and use of land and;
•             guidance on the appearance and design of any new buildings constructed.

Further details of the application and the proposed area to be covered by the neighbourhood plan can be viewed on Rutland County Council’s website www.rutland.gov.uk/neighbourhoodplans.

Any comments on the application should be sent to Rutland County Council within the 6-week period from Tuesday 16 February to 29 March 2016.  After the consultation has closed, Rutland County Council will consider all responses received before making a final decision on the proposed application.

Please note that the Council has also received separate applications for a Barleythorpe Neighbourhood Forum and a Barleythorpe Neighbourhood Plan Area covering the whole parish of Barleythorpe.  These can also be viewed on the Council’s website referred to above.