Wednesday, March 09, 2016

Congratulations Sir Clive Loader Leicestshire Police and Crime Commissioner for your regained Sense of Humour, Deleted Tweet

Congratulations Sir Clive Loader Leicestshire Police and Crime Commissioners for regained your Sense of Humour, sadly retracted when you Deleted your Tweet :-)

I don't need to know what he actually does, I have read what
he is meant to do. The role of the police and crime commissioner
was miss sold to voters.

I have watched the press coverage of Sir Clive's term of
office and surprisingly for a Rutland Tory he has implemented
some of the changes he promised.

But I and many others are not fooled by the role, he is not
in it for the people.

Too many people who have written to him over the years
complaining about the police have received letters in which
he states he can not help them.

I was saddened that his usual sociable demeanor had
deserted Sir Clive today. He also seemed very camera
shy, demanding that I not photograph or film him today.
I wonder if he needs some media training from Conservative
Central Office, and perhaps a short course in the expectations of those
who hold public office might not go amiss .

After such a promising start as our police commissioner he
seems confused as to whether he should run with the hare or
hunt with the hounds.