Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Oakham Town Centre is quite healthy considering

Oakham Town Centre is quite healthy considering most of the traffic that flows past
my house is an often empty bus and fleets of home delivery shopping vans.

The high street has about 45 units four of which are charity shops
there are currently two empty units which are currently being
refurbished, a cafe will replace a coffee shop and a Kitchen shop
replaces a charity shop which moved into a former gamblers paradise.
The is a Church, Citizens Advice and Hall.

Melton Road at the top of the High Street has around 25 units
two are currently vacant the former music and more shop
has been re-let in less than a couple of weeks. The card shop
closed after a retirement after trading in Oakham for 30 years
at the end of February.

Northgate has five units and none empty.

Church Street has nine units and 1 empty pub a church.
a free public loo something many towns no longer have.

Market Street has seven units and no empty properties

Church passage has two units none empty

Catmose Street Three units none empty

The Market Place has 16 units and one newly built
unit empty and one charity shop.

Crown Walk has 10 units none empty

Burley Road has 3 units none empty

Mill Street has 32 units and 5 empty

The Maltings has 6 units none empty

Gaol Street 9 units and 1 newly built empty shop

Knights Yard 4 units and 1 empty

We don't have to travel far away to find towns with boarded up shops.