Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Oakham Town Council Financial Matters Why I do not vote for anything

Oakham Town Council Financial Matters Why I do not vote for anything

Proof Cllr Brookes questions the integrity of other Cllr's
(A copy of minutes from 9th December 2015 Council Meeting)
Cllr Michael Elliott informed members that he had verified the Bank Reconciliations contained in the reports and it was then proposed by Cllr Stan Stubbs, seconded by Cllr Michael Haley and resolved with 9 votes for and 1 against by Cllr Martin Brookes that the Statement of Accounts to November 30th 2015 be approved

The above comment and minute has appeared on-line, it suggests I question the integrity
of other councillors. 

That is Not true.

The reason I vote against any matter relating to the councils accounts is due the
unsatisfactory state of the council qualified accounts.

It has taken nearly a year to implement basic recommendations provided by Streets

This included the need to purchase new accounting software.

If the person who made this comment looks at the minutes they will see
I do not vote to approve any financial matter.

From April the council will be using the new software and enforcing financial 
regulations, from then I may not  have an issue with approving financial matters.

Legally all councillors who approve accounts and all financial matters can be
challenged in the courts and due to the appalling situation the council finds
itself in, qualified accounts and illegal payments and the serious risk that the auditors
could have taken us to the High Court, I think it is a wise stance to take.

I will later publish the relevant parts of the auditors letter to me, its a long letter and 
we have had a lucky escape. Although I am not sure the auditor is not going to
be so kind towards when they look at the 2015 - 2016 accounts.

I am certainly not going to end up in court for something I have no control
over. The time has come when all members need to take control of our council
and understand the risks involved in being a Councillor, especially on one 
like Oakham Town Council which was unlawfully run by the Chairman 
and his Deputy. It is not a Cllrs job just to rubber stamp their requirements
which has been the case for at least the last seven years.

At Oakham Town Council we all are at risk of the Local Government
Act, The power to surcharge councillors and council officers deemed responsible
for unlawful expenditure. A good reason not to vote in support of anything
financial that causes any doubt.