Dear Michael Haley
When you chaired my agenda item for a vote of no confidence in the Mayor
you failed to follow standing order 6.
You asked members questions on the item and invited them to debate the
agenda item but interrupted me and refused my right to speak on my agenda
standing order six
I point you to standing order 6D
d. If a councillor has requested an item on the agenda they shall be invited to speak first.
I was entitled to speak about my agenda item and you constantly interrupted me
and refused me my right to speak on my agenda item as shown in the video clip
Then the chairman should move onto 6e
I am fed up with chairmans of this council not following standing
orders and blocking my rights.
orders and blocking my rights.
e. The Chairman shall allow all councillors the opportunity to debate an item. He will not allow a proposal to be made and seconded until he is certain that all councillors have had opportunity to contribute to the debate.
I was wondering as you are our deputy chair and as last night had to take over as chiar, have you taken
up chairmans training or read the standing orders that govern how our meetings should be chaired
I simple ask this because I am aware many of the members have not received any requested training
I suggest that is the main reason why this council is "at rock bottom" as stated by Cllr Stubbs and
not me.
Martin Brookes
Michael's Response: It appears he is a mind reader
Good morning Martin
Michael's Response: It appears he is a mind reader
Good morning Martin
I attempted to stop you because it was my opinion that you were introducing personal views concerning issues that you feel exist between you and other council members. It was my judgement that these were not pertinent to the agenda item and that you were at risk of being accused of making slanderous statements.