Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Harrington School Head Teacher Mrs Dyl Powell Does "the final piece" not fit?

Harrington School Head Teacher Mrs Dyl Powell Does "the final piece" not fit?

The new Free School set up in porta cabins on the Catmose College site was
Were "delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs Dyl Powell as Headteacher for the new Sixth Form Free School, which opens in September."

Mrs Powell was Head of Stamford High School, where she had been in post since 2003.

Less than a year into the post appointment and being described as “an outstanding Headteacher and the final piece of the jigsaw,” by Nigel Lashbrook, Headmaster at Oakham School.

People are asking "what went wrong?" and "what deal did she strike?"

We will probably know what happened. We know that Harington must have known
for some time Mrs Powell was not staying the full term, because they have already completed
the process of appointing a new head teacher.

I am sure the Trustees of Harington and the other schools involved in the creation of this
poorly attended free school have not done anything illegal to achieve their aim.

Of course Oakham School was public accused of lying and exaggerating figures at
a county council meeting.

Just before the school opened the head teacher of Oakham was quoted in an article
published on Uppingham Community College web site:

 “With over 200 applications from students, all of the full-time teaching posts now in place, and the building work scheduled to start in June, Harington School is now poised to offer excellent Sixth Form education to the students of Rutland.”

If they really have over 200 hundred application, I wonder why the school had to
proceed with a second wave of publicity to seek applications from students weeks
before the school opened and when it finally opened it had a role of less than 40 students?

Could the reason this also be another reason for the head teachers departure the
consultation to become a Multi Academy Trust,  www.haringtonschool.com/consultation

Or is it the Chair of Trustees Rob Guthrie a former town Councillor who was
working closely with the clerk during the year we received qualified accounts.
Only last night I was at a Town Partnership meeting where Mr Guthrie rather surprisingly
told all present that people don't want to become Oakham Town Councillor because
I am on the council. I had to explain to him we now have a majority of new Councillor
who have freely become Councillors. I forgot to mention only yesterday the office
has received applications for the current vacancy which will b e co-opted.

What never ceases to amaze me is how many of the same old controlling faces you can see
on almost every organisation her in Oakham.