Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Oakham Town Council 2016 Accounts Objections The Mayor Adam Lowe is not happy

Today I looked at  part of Oakham Town Councils accounts and found a number of basic procedures 
are not being followed along with some more serious issues a year on from our qualified accounts report and lots of costly advice most of which has been ignored.

I made my request last week, although the chairman or proper officer has  no authority to stop any Councillor making a request to see anything to do with the accounts and make copies I reminded the chairman and proper officer that in a few weeks time we post a notice for the electors to come in and inspect and take away copies of anything related to the accounts they require.
The council does this to comply with the audit act and electors rights.

Cllr Lowe wrote to the proper officer saying Cllr Brookes can see anything as long as its convenient for the proper officer currently the Assistant Clerk.

I am wondering what has changed since that email? because this evening I have been receiving 
emails from the Mayor Adam Lowe objecting to my visit, suggesting I am breaking rules when I am not. I did not spend a whole day in the office.

The more I receive this style of email from Cllrs Like Adam Lowe, I become more convinced there is something bigger they are hiding.

Today I have only seen evidence of incompetence or sloppy working practices.
The council has less than 500 transactions in a year and we cant seem to be able
to get it right. It comes as no surprise to me that Streets Accounts can visit the 
office and complete the end of year accounts in a few hours with no fuss.
We should consider employing them from now to do all the councils accounts work
because they are also a lot cheaper than the person who is meant to do the work.

Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 at 11:02 PM
From: "Adam Lowe"
To: "Martin Brookes" , "Michael Haley"
Subject: Re: Essential Enquiries.
There are no shutters, you clearly are not reading the e-mails. You are being made aware of the rules, these are rules bought to my attention, or shall I just turn a blind eye to your antics, is that acceptable?
I take it that you accessed the Council documents as a Councillor and now you are making a statement of complaint to Grant Thornton using the information as a member of the public?
In the last week you were saying that Allison is overworked and under pressure and yet you spent all day at the Council office and you did ask for copies to ALL contracts and you expected her to do that. If anyone else did this you would be criticising them for wasting the Officers time, you are sending out conflicting messages.
As a Councillor you do not have an automatic right to view all Council documents, I don't.
I understand your objective is to cost the Oakham taxpayer as much money as you can without a real rational behind your approach, i really just do not understand what you are playing about at.
You are abusing your position as a Councillor by accessing documents then popping on the , 'I am acting as a concerned citizen' hat to justify your sharing of the same documents. 
Just don't get it, don't understand your motivation or why you are doing what you are doing.
Can you confirm that you do not wish to be notified of any potential rules you are breaching , if you do that I won't waste my time any more pointing them out, of course you can always ignore the rules but that makes you the same as everyone you claim are breaking the rules, what do you want me to do Martin?
Communicate with you or No communicate with you?

Adam Lowe

My objections to Oakham Town Councils Accounts 2015 -2016

Dear All

As an Elector, I will be sending the following objections to the external auditor.

The audit act requires me to notify Oakham Town Council


Martin Brookes (Cllr OSE Ward)

Dear Mr Heap (Director for Grant Thornton.)

Throughout 2015 – 2016 the council did not carry out its normal internal

The councils financial regulations according to the web site were revised January 2016
the councils regulations now say regular internal audits should be carried out at least once a year.
I can not find a minute that confirms the council approved this change. This of course does not
cover the period of accounting I am objecting to.

I wish to object to a number of payments made by Oakham Town Council 
during the accounting period of 2015 – 2016. I will detail my evidence below.

Before I do that I wish to point out the following:
for 2014 - 2015 you provided the town council with a qualified audit and made

Although the report has been published on-line, for some reason despite
repeated requests the document has not been presented to full council,
for consideration, comment or action.

Cllr Michael Haley has written to me stating I am misinterpreting 
you statements that the council has not followed its own regulations 
and broke laws. I am not sure how I can be misinterpreting this or your
words stating what has happened is more serious than the council led you
to believe.

When the chairman Cllr Alf Dewis resigned after your findings, that
he acted unlawfully, both he and our current Mayor Cllr Lowe 
were quoted in the press, saying the unlawful conduct was just a minor 
mistake. Since Mr Dewis resigned many Councillors seem to be fed up with
me wanting the council to follow correct procedures. One wrote to me stating I am
nasty etc.

Cllr Lucas responds to my findings today by sending two  replies to all:

Returned to sender

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

Also today our Chairman Adam Lowe sent a email to all members, after myself and other members have requested to see council documents,he quotes common law.
As you know the audit act permits the electors to visit the council before 
the accounts are sent to you, they can copy anything related to the accounts
A Councillor does not have to wait for the allotted time. Cllr Lowe sent this:

Under common law principles councillors have the right to access information held by their authority where it is reasonably necessary to enable the member to properly perform their duties as a councillor. 
However, if the councillor’s motive for seeing documents is indirect, improper or ulterior this may be raised as a bar to their entitlement. Councillors are not, therefore, allowed to go off on a ‘fishing expedition’ through their council’s documents. If a councillor is a member of a particular committee or sub-committee, then they have the right to inspect documents relating to the business of that committee or sub-committee. If not a member of that committee or sub-committee, the councillor would have to show good cause why sight of them is necessary to perform their duties (See R v. Clerk to Lancashire Police Committee ex parte Hook [1980] Q.B. 603).  
A member must not disclose information given to them in confidence nor disclose information acquired which they believe is of a confidential nature, unless they: a) have received the consent of a person authorised to give it; or b) are required by law to do so.
If information is accessed using the Freedom of Information / Environmental Information Regulations provisions the information can be regarded as public and the councillor may share the information with others. 
If on the other hand the councillor has accessed the information via the provisions of the Act or the common law 'need to know' then in some cases the information may still be confidential and the councillor bound by confidentiality. In that case they should not publish or otherwise disclose the information to a third party.

I am not sure why Cllr Lowe is sending the above and highlighting the line in red: if the councillor’s motive for seeing documents is indirect, improper or ulterior this may be raised as a bar to their entitlement.

I can only assume that he and others are unhappy that I have found the council has not followed procedures or regulations and laws once again.

Cllr Lowe has also banned me from sending emails containing the word unlawful, this causes a problem If I need to quote most acts.

I am told I should draw a line and just move on, we can only move on when the council recognises where it is wrong and makes the necessary changes.

For the period of 2015 – 2016 the clerk had delegated powers to spend up to £500
in an emergency. This year his delegated powers have been raised to £1000 each time
I raise a issue about the 2015 – 2016 accounts, I am told that £1000 applies to that period when it
does not. As we were told in training there is no such thing as an emergency at council.
And yes the red tape is a pain but the law requires all expenditure to be agreed and approved by full council. I would like to dispute this delegated authority especially now it does not state emergency
I believe it has been applied so that like in 2014 – 2015 a cllr can spend as they please and when challenged they can respond with the clerk has delegated powers to approve the expenditure.

The clerk was original given £500 delegated powers after a tree fell down but since that date
it has been used to approve anything without going to full council and now this is increased to £1000 I question why we actually need a Councillors?

I can provide photocopies of the following invoices I am objecting to

Objection 1

The following objection I raised last year to early.

Voucher Number 33
Personnel Advice and Solutions Ltd. £240.00

A contract was organised by former Cllr Alf Dewis without authority or consent of the council
this contract was cancelled by full council once they became aware of this unlawful conduct.
Although the contract which cost the council was organised and agreed by Mr Dewis he obtained
a signature from the chairman at the time Jayne Woodcock. It is my belief Mrs Woodcock signed
this contract under duress.

Objection 2

Voucher Number ???
Shoesmiths £1,527.36

This payment was not approved by full council, the filed paid invoice
does not have a cheque number or any other details written on it.
No work order

Objection 3

Voucher Number 89
Andy Peaple Catering Services £1051.60

This invoice increased over 5% and is £551.60 over the clerks delegated
power at the time the expense was paid.

Financial regulations state if a contract quoted for is increased by more than
5% then the contract must be returned to full council for approval

Equipment Hire £146.00
Staffing Cost £120.00
Extra Juice and Coke and Glasses £35
The additional costs add up to more than 5% of the original sum agreed by

Objection 4

Voucher 97
Paul Ford Tree Surgery £1656.00

This invoice has one example of why the Clerk was given delegated powers
£380 + VAT is described as emergancy tree work.

The remainder is not and and should have been approved by full council.
There is no work order

Objections 5 & 6

Vouchers 106 and 121
Setfords solicitors £432.00 & £192.00

Both these invoices relate to the same project advice given for a proposed
lease of land from the Woodland Trust matter ref 071/11

The council was going to obtain the lease and sublet to Brooke Hill Academy this
fell through when the Clerk said I had to keep a secret and the beneficiary of a covenant
should not know what was planned the town council asked to Woodland Trust if the
beneficiary found out could they walk away from any lease agreement. I blogged this and
contacted the Woodland Trust and they pulled out. As the full council did not approve this expenditure and the invoices appear to have been split to keep below the clerk £500 limited
I do not believe the tax payer should have paid these costs perhaps they should have been
passed onto the Academy who were to be the sole beneficiaries of something former Cllr Alf Dewis was attempting to gain for them.

Objections 7 and 8

Voucher 117
Plantscape Limited £8688.00

The local government act requires all payments over £5000 to be presented to full council for approval.

There was no contract in place at the time of payment 18th June 2015
There was no contract in place in 2014 and the clerk did that time bring the invoice to council for approval .

The minutes show a trial contract was agreed in 2012 for one year only.

I asked the Clerk why he did not seek a new contract and approval from the council and he
responded I don't know.

This payment has no work and does not comply with any of the councils financial regulations
or procedures.

The Clerk has said at a meeting he can not remember my conversation about this and the next
invoice, this is nonsense I asked him to bring the invoices to council so there was not an issue he chose to ignor my request.

Voucher 192
Plantscape Ltd £6,960.00

The clerk sent a email to all Councillors seeking consent to pay this invoice, ignoring the law
that requires all payments over £5000 to be presented to the full council for approval.
I have asked all members including our current Chairman Adam Lowe if they responded
to the Clerks email, giving him consent to pay the invoice, unlawfully conducting council business via email. No one has responded. Cllr Adam Lowe has told me he does not have to answer the question why I cant say. I can say I told the clerk he should seek consent from the full council
he claimed the invoice would be due by the time of the next meeting I suggested he call plantscape he ignored my request and produced a cheque which was signed by Cllr Howard and former Cllr Mills. No work order was produced.

Objection 9

Voucher Number 157
The Royal British Legion £50

The local government act states the precept can not be spent on supporting charities
in this case the chairman at the time Mr Dewis purchased two tickets.
The file contains a very strange invoice to support this expenditure and no work order
The invoice is a advertisement for the event.

Objection 10

Voucher Number 146
Wickstead £610.00

There is no work order for this payment and it is £110 over the £500 limit given to the clerk
this payment was not presented to full council for approval.

Objection 11

Voucher number 161
Wallgate £966.00

The Clerk has entered into a renewal of a service contract without the consent of full council
the invoice to is £496 over his delegated authority for this period.

Objection 12

Voucher Number 177
Streets Accountants £420

This invoice was for extra work not agreed by full council this increased amount exceeds
5% of the original agreed sum and according to the councils financial regulations.

Objection 13

Voucher Number 203

Redwood Pryor £861.36
This invoice is £361.36 above the clerks delegated authority for this period.

I am also concerned that this firm is meant to have conducted regular internal audits throughout this period from the itemisation of this invoice and another I find most the time was spent in discussion with the Clerk, 8 hours on this one invoice.

It is my understanding an appointed internal auditor should be impartial and I question the need to pay so much for meetings with the clerk.

There is no work order.

Objection 14

Voucher number 219

Catmose College £60

The invoice is a letter this did not come to full council for approval.
The local government act states no individual resident can benefit from
the precept.

The college named a student who would receive the £60 prize.

On the day of the prize giving I asked what the student had received, I was told a £15

I wrote to the college and asked why the student did not receive the full £60 they responded
stating they felt the prize was to large and gave the student the same as others.

There is no work order for this payment.

Objection 15

Voucher number 234

Oakham Town Partnership £1000

This payment did not come to full council for the required approval.
There is no work order.

Cllr Adam objected to this being funded from the promotions budget which he has some
control over, but he signed the cheque with Cllr Stubbs.

The invoice states the Town Partnership Ltd address as care of Oakham Town Council
They are not based in our office and are independent of the council.

Objection 16

Voucher Number 268
Setford Solicitors £575.00

This was paid after a email request not an invoice the amount paid is highlighted on a copy
of the email.

The council agreed to go ahead with engaging Setford Solicitors for advice to recover rent due
from a former tenant.

The amount paid is £75 above the clerks delegated authority for this period.

There is no work order.
Objection 17

Voucher 10
Gary Berridge Oakham Anglian Society £????? possibly £1000

The amount is not recorded in the invoice file.
The invoice is part one of the grant application which shows now figure.
The cheque was signed by Stan Stubbs and Vince Howard
Vince Howard declared an interest at the meeting this grant was approved
I assume it was oversight when he signed the cheque.

Also I object to taxpayers money being spent on £700 of fish for a private members
Angling Society.

There is no work order.

Objection 18

Voucher Number 365
ABF Soldiers Charity

The amount paid is not stated in the invoice file
the invoice is the invitation.

I think this payment has since been returned to council via another member.
They returned £50

The Local government does not permit the spending of the precept supporting charity.
It is for the sole benefit of the taxpayer of the parish.

Objection 19

Voucher number 96
Stamford Town Council

No amount paid is declared in the invoice file.

There is a cheque number on the invite to a charity event

There is no work order.

The invitation makes it very clear the money received supports charities outside the parish of Oakham.

The Local government does not permit the spending of the precept supporting charity.
It is for the sole benefit of the taxpayer of the parish.

Objections 20

Voucher numbers 23 and 70

Voucher 23

A letter acknowledging a payment, dated 12th April 2015
The letter requests an outstanding amount of £19.20 for outstanding search fees
the council had paid on account £100 and the total amount spent on searches was

This appears to be paid using cheque number 103741.

Voucher 70

On the 27th May 2015 the council received another letter from Setford Solicitors
requesting the £19.20 again along with a land registry fee for £40

A total of £59.20 was paid using cheque number 103770

The council has paid £19.20 twice.

I wonder why they pay anything that is just mentioned in a email or letter
from the firm. If they produced invoices for all their work then perhaps
these sort of mistakes would not happen, I pointed out a larger payment
in objection 16 which also did not have an official invoice. I have not
gone back any further than 2015 to see if this has happened before.

Objections for procedure failings

I wish to object to the following payments, because from June 2015 I was told all payments would only be made if a work order was created in accordance with the advice received from Street Accountants. I was told there would be no repeat of what happened in 2014 -2015 unfortunately the evidence I have seen show this is not true.

All the payments listed below have no work orders, the cheques were signed various members who have not  noticed that work orders are required to give them authority to sign the cheque or authorise the electronic  payment. A Councillor who has resigned has told me he did raise this issue
and stated he would not sign any cheques if there were no work orders, another told me they sign and trust, I think that shows some signatures are not carrying out their expected responsibilities.

Some invoices are not signed by members in some cases just one member has signed.
Payments produced by our assistant clerk comply with all procedures and regulations

Voucher Number, Payee and amount are listed below:

102 Smiths of Derby £180.00
103 Millenium Computers £12
104 Johnston Pulishing £280.44
105 Danwood £122.41
109 AA Cleaning £1543.20
110 Johnston Publishing £77.22
114 Victoria Hall £3840.00
115 Pitney Bowes £113.68
116 Cory £2249.91
118 Johnston Publishing £409.92
119 Millenum Computers
120 Jazzmen £300
121 Setfords Solicitors £192.00
122 RCC £1946.00
123 Pitney Bowes £218.84
125 Eon £9.43
131 Gates Garden Centre £87.49
132 Melton Band £300
135 OPUS £52.59
136 Eon £20.43
137 AA Cleaning £1500
138 Clerk and Councils £12.00
139 RCC £40.00
142 Millenium Computers £12.00
143 Play Inspection £354.00
144 PBS £67.70
145 Streets Accountants £1440.00
150 Eon £34.07
153 Pitney Bowes £56.84
154 Johnston Publishing £280.00
155 Cory £3179.31
160 Millenium Computers £73.62
164 Caloo £35,340.00
165 Caloo £12,654.00
166 Bounce Around £500
167 Funkie Funkie Doodles £125.00
168 SEE Electric £282.00
170 Johnston Publishing £357.70
171 Johnston Publishing £203.22
172 Wrinkle Rock £500
173 Lions Club £250.00
176 PBS Office £122.38
178 Millenium Computers £12.00
180 Talk Talk £6.64
181 AA Cleaning £1500
182 Cory £2549.91
189 Wickstead £162.00
191 Pitney Bowes
193 Eon £12.55
194 Millenium Computers £75.24
195 LRALC £60.00
198 PHS Group £86.34
199 PHS Group £361.48
200 Victoria Hall £3450.00
201 AA Cleaning £1,500
202 Millenium £12.00
204 Wickstead £2,420.42
205 Eon £38.73
207 UK Debt £2,754.06
211 Danwood £128.47
212 Cory £2477.91
215 Pitney Bowes
216 Eon £9.32
217 Youth Brass £400
220 Millenium Computers £64.72
221 Pitney Bowes
223 PBS Office £67.61
226 OPUS £6.59
230 Millenium Computers £12.00
232 AA Cleaning £1500
233 Pesonnel Solutions £360
235 RBS Office £51.64
238 Heidi Kjeldson £110
240 Oakham Art Group £96.00
241 Pitney Bowes £57.00
249 Millenium Computers £75.32
250 Eon £9.72
252 Rutland Garden Centre £91.80
253 SSE Electric £176.09
254 OPUS Energy £124.27
256 Milenium Computers £12.00
258 RCC £12.00
259 AA Cleaning £1500.00
264 Cory £2.297.91
266 Johnston Press £75.00
267 wickstead £162.00
272 Johnston Press £75
273 Pitney Bowes £57
277 Millenium Computers
278 Severn Trent Water £19.40
280 Severn Trent Water £587.84
286 Johnston Pubishing £174.00
287 Eon £9.87
288 Redwood Prior £310.68
289 Thomas Fattorini £618.00
290 PBS Office £228.26
291 Anglian Water £76.26
292 RCC £2000
294 RCC £500
297 AA Cleaning
299 Rutland Radio £48.00
300 Eon £38.73
302 Millenium £12.00
306 Cory £114.00
307 Pitney Bowes £114.00
308 Danwood £190.88
309 PHS Group £361.48
311 Millenium Computers £60.36
312 Hungry Birds £219.00
314 Johnston Publishing £421.92
315 Pitney Bowes £218.84
319 RCC £3,425.41
320 RCC £5,500
321 Lite £11,718.00
323 OPUS Energy £10.83
325 Oakham Wines £60
326 Personnel Advice £360
327 AA Cleaning Services £1,500
336 Pitney Bowes £260.82
337 Victoria Hall £337.00