Sunday, July 03, 2016

Rutland Youth Dance Academy Video Peril

Rutland Youth Dance Academy Video Peril

Nice gentleman missed the camera behind him and passed many people filming and photographing
RYDA performing at Oakham Festival to object to me filming his daughter, despite his knowledge
of the RYDA policy on filming and photography, he told me he was going to report me to the police
fortunately for me a nearby of duty police officer confirmed 
I was not doing anything that would be of interest to him.

I did not let the one incident spoil my afternoon and fortunately for the kind gentleman
he caused no damaged to my camera as he put his hand over it to prevent me from 
filming the event. Although he knows my name I don't know him.

I have been asked to pop along to Cutts Close to
take some photographs of the next Festival Event
T'ai Chi I am hoping that hand is going to be 
a little more peaceful.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

T'ai Chi Oakham Festival 2016 July 3rd

T'ai Chi Oakham Festival 2016 July 3rd